Equality and Diversity
We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in relation to age (as appropriate), disability, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual identity.
Within the overall framework of the School Enhancement Plan, we formulate specific and measurable equality objectives. These are kept under review and progress reported on annually.
Policy Statement
Equality and Diversity Policy 2022-23
Equality Objectives
School equality objectives for 2022-23 are:
- Further accelerate the achievement of SEN/Disabled learners, together with those in receipt of Pupil Premium, through enhancing the range of teaching strategies and provision so that their needs are astutely met, resulting in their accelerated achievement.
- Further engaging all learners in the learning process, listening to their views and tailoring learning accordingly.
- Further enhance the quality of EYFS so that all pupils, regardless of their starting point, make excellent progress. To ensure that all learners experience an inspiring learning adventure which is personalised to their needs and to enable them to learn through structured play experiences.