Our Community
At Redbrook Hayes we are proud to be a community school and through our learning, we make the most of every opportunity to support and enhance our local area and community.
Brereton Carnival
Each year in July Brereton village puts on its very own carnival with a procession and fete in the local park. Redbrook is proud to support this important community event, and we have been taking part for a few years now. You can see some pictures of our historic floats in the video above.St. Michael's Church, Brereton
We regularly take part in services and events at our local Church, from joining in with Harvest Festival collections to decorating Christmas Trees for the annual Christmas Tree Festival to singing at the opening of the Church fete.
Each year we also take part in the Rugeley School's Peace Service at St. Augustine's Church, where learners from our Year 5 class deliver a presentation on the importance of peace around the world.
Rugeley 10
Since February 2017 we have been working with our sporting partners at 'Rugeley Runners' to host the Rugeley 10. The Rugeley 10 is a 10 mile road race featuring a challenging and undulating course that starts and finishes at Redbrook Hayes School. This is a real community event and we are proud to support the promotion of sporting activities within our local community. Please click below for more information.
For more information about this, or if you want to take part this year, you can visit the Rugeley Runners website here.
Lantern Parades
Each year our Year 4 learners, along with their families, take part in the Rugeley Lantern parade which marks the switch on of the town's Christmas lights. Working with CESS group, learners create bottle lanterns to parade through the town to spread a little Christmas cheer.
The whole school joins in with the Brereton Lantern parade every year which marks the opening of the village Christmas fair. Every child in the school creates a Christmas lantern to bring on the parade which leaves from Redbrook Hayes and proceeds down Redbrook Lane to Ravenhill Park. this is always an enjoyable evening with lots of Christmas cheer.
Brereton Library & Rotary Club
We have strong links with Brereton Library which is attached to our school building. Each class has the opportunity to visit the library and create their own library account which they can use both in and out of school to promote a love of reading. Children also get the opportunity to take part in various competitions and events throughout their time at Redbrook Hayes which are put on by the Rotary club who volunteer in the library. Past examples of these have been the Summer Reading Challenge and Rotary Young Photographers Competition.
Other Community Groups
We have strong links with a number of organisations from our community. Some use our facilities to enrich the offer to local people, others we engage with proactively through our LEARNER for Life citizenship work. We are proud to be part of Brereton!