Redbrook Hayes Community Primary School

School Improvement Plans

The purpose of a school improvement plan is to continually enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the school so that greater numbers of learners achieve the expected standards and above in all areas of the curriculum.

At Redbrook Hayes, this document also serves to enhance the school community and every child's learning adventure at all points in the school day; it, therefore, encapsulates the full range of developments that occur throughout the year on our quest to achieve limitless possibilities on our inspiring learning adventure for all.

These are our school goals for 2024-25:

1. Quality of Education Goals

➢ The quality of the teaching of writing improves following the introduction of a new grammar scheme and a focus on the development of modelling strategies in line with the CCLT teaching matrix.

➢ The quality of the teaching of maths improves following continuous monitoring of the delivery of Can Do Maths and coaching for staff on the development of teaching strategies in line with the CCLT teaching matrix.

➢ Ensure consistency of implementation of new reading comprehension scheme.

➢ The foundation curriculum includes an assessment strategy that accurately measures the retention of key concepts.

2. Behaviour and Attitudes Goals

➢ The new school behaviour policy is consistently and effectively delivered.

3. Personal Development Goals

➢ The Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy for pupils and staff is reviewed and a clear policy is collaboratively developed.

4. Leadership and Management Goals

➢ Actions taken to improve the quality of teaching lead to improved coherence, consistency and pedagogy across the curriculum.

5. Early Years

➢ Writing attainment improves through the explicitly teaching of the skill of building and writing a sentence throughout Reception.

➢ Improved support for children’s communication and language through use of an effective and precise screening tool.

➢ Children develop a strong sense of self and self-regulation skills through the implementation of our behaviour policy.

The School Improvement Plan is supported by Subject Improvement Plans, which detail actions for the improvement of every curriculum subject area. 

If you have any questions, or you are interested in more information about these upcoming improvements, please contact the school to make an appointment with Mrs Turner (Headteacher).